4-H Program

Welcome to the Family! Wisconsin 4-H (Brochure)  English  Spanish

When you join 4-H, you’re a part of something big! 4-H is the nation’s largest youth development organization, with more than six million members and over 90,000 clubs.

The four H’s are head, heart, hands, and health. That means we are committed to providing opportunities for youth to learn life skills like decision-making, problem solving, caring for others, generosity, making healthy choices, and more.

4-H involves youth in project-based education. Through project learning, youth can explore their interests (“sparks”) and master new skills. 4-H projects are meant to be hands on to create a memorable learning experience. Since 4-H started in the early 1900s, youth have learned by doing. This hands-on process allows youth to understand not only how to do something but also why they are doing it.

Most 4-H youth and the adults who care about them get their start with a 4-H club. Clubs can meet in a variety of settings so we can support youth where they are in the community, in schools, after school, and in military settings. 4-H youth can take part in camps, educational travel experiences, workshops, and much more, as they explore their sparks.

In all of these settings, youth have the chance to become leaders. Youth make decisions. Youth can make their voices heard. The most important part of 4-H is YOUth.

  • Hello 4-H Families! DON’T DELAY – RE-ENROLL TODAY! We are excited to share that 4-H online is ready for you to re-enroll for another year of 4-H!!  Go to https://v2.4honline.com/ , log in to your family profile, and complete the re-enrollment for all family members.  Remember both youth and adults need to re-enroll for the next year.  Current members need to re-enroll by November 15 in order to participate in the Junior Fair as a representative of 4-H.   General leaders have received copies of the enrollment and literature guide where you can reference projects, enrollment guidelines, and literature that is available.  When you go into 4-H online, you will be asked to enter the member’s grade, and you should enter their grade for the 2022-2023 school year.  Family profile information carries forward (address, phone number, etc. and you just need to approve the information).  For each enrollment you need to pick the club name and projects also.  Remember to go through all of the steps and confirm the enrollment at the end.  Your club leader will collect enrollment dues as in the past.  Blast emails and text reminders are one of the most efficient ways for us to get information out to all families as needed.  PLEASE be sure your email address entered in 4-H online is one that you check or you may miss out on quite a bit of information.  If you have any questions about re-enrollment email or call the Extension Office.   If needed, there are also directions on how to enroll on the Waupaca County Extension website https://waupaca.extension.wisc.edu/4-h-youth-development/4-h-program-topics/
  • 2025 Project & Literature Guide
  • February deadline for new enrollments

If you have any questions regarding 4-H & Youth in Waupaca County,
please contact our staff:

Penny Tank , penny.tank@wisc.edu
4-H Program Educator

Haley Nelson, haley.nelson@wisc.edu
Program Support

Extension Waupaca County
Courthouse, 811 Harding Street, Waupaca, WI 54981-2087
Phone: 715-258-6230     Fax: 715-258-6232
Office Hours: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm