2022 WI Century and Sesquicentennial Award Applications

Applications are now available for the 2022 Century and Sesquicentennial Farm and Home Award, a prestigious award given to families who have dedicated their life to Wisconsin farming for 100 or 150 years. To qualify for the award, families are required to provide proof of continuous family ownership of a property in the state of Wisconsin […]


National 4-H Week – October 3-9

National 4-H Week is a great time to promote 4-H and the opportunities in the 4-H program.  If you have friends that would be interested in joining 4-H, they would also go to the same enrollment link and create a family profile.   In the last newsletter, there was a flyer with information about a club pizza party […]


Hello 4-H Families!  DON’T DELAY – RE-ENROLL TODAY!

We are excited to share that 4-H online is ready for you to re-enroll for another year of 4-H!!  Go to https://v2.4honline.com/ , log in to your family profile, and complete the re-enrollment for all family members.  Remember both youth and adults need to re-enroll for the next year.  Current members need to re-enroll by November 15 […]


4-H Forecast – Newsletter August-September 2021

The 4-H Forecast is available online. Be sure to read this newsletter as it contains a lot of county fair reminders including the 4-H Food Stand and Special Fair Contests. There is also information in the newsletter where you can “Win a Pizza Party” for your club and “Let’s Journey Fourward Together with Chris Clover”. […]

Elevando Wisconsin logo

Elevando Wisconsin

Empoderando líderes hoy para un mejor mañana. Las sesiones serán en español y inglés. | Empowering leaders today for a better tomorrow. Sessions will be in English and Spanish.


Fourward Together with Chris Clover – Summer 2021

Chris Clover is going on an adventure this summer as we journey fourward together with the Wisconsin 4-H Movement! Share how you are moving Fourward Together with the Wisconsin 4-H Movement Share how you or your club live out the Wisconsin 4-H Movement with Chris Clover, download and print your own Chris Clover and then take them with […]


Relational Networking Workshop

Extension is offering a new series of trainings to build leaders’ ability to more effectively forge productive relationships across perceived divides, communicate effectively to deepen lasting ties, and spur collaborative efforts that advance the health and vibrancy of community.


Building Bridges Summer Kick-Off Meeting – Tuesday, July 27th

We are looking forward to reconnecting and hoping you’re able to join us for our July kick-off meeting with coffee and meeting, followed by a tour hosted by group leader, Jolyne Zaldivar, from Bridging Language Barriers and Compassionate Connections. Come meet leaders in Waupaca County passionate about our mission and learn about resources in our […]


Build it Strong: Child Care Business Foundations

Space is limited to 30 participants per course, so sign up now!
Through instruction, guest speakers and coaching, Wisconsin Child Care Business Initiative supports childcare business owners looking to improve or grow their operations and help new owners chart their course to success.