Transportation in Waupaca County is receiving a big boost.

Transportation in Waupaca County is receiving a big boost. On June 30, Governor Evers announced a $3.2 million Tomorrow Innovation Grant award which will be used to create workforce transportation solutions across the county. The Waupaca County Economic Development Corporation will be the administrative lead for this effort. Jessica Beckendorf, our community development educator, has […]


Hands-On Organizational Planning Course

We’re recruiting a diverse slate of nonprofit leaders and visionary board members who want to hone their organizational action planning skills as part of a statewide cohort.  This virtual series is a great opportunity to access practical content and get connected to others working in nonprofits statewide.


4-H Forecast – April/May 2022

JOIN US IN CELEBRATING NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEK APRIL 17-23, 2022!  National Volunteer week was established in 1974 and has become a nationwide effort to encourage people to volunteer in their communities. We are so thankful for all of the 4-H volunteers in our county. In Waupaca County 4-H we have over 170 adult volunteer leaders who […]


Garden Walk and Art Stroll

Waupaca County Master Gardener “Garden Walk and Art Stroll” in Waupaca and the surrounding areas. Sponsored by the Waupaca County Master Gardener Volunteer Association 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Elevando Wisconsin logo

Elevando Wisconsin

Empoderando líderes hoy para un mejor mañana. Las sesiones serán en español y inglés. | Empowering leaders today for a better tomorrow. Sessions will be in English and Spanish.


Virtual – Basics of Co-ops (Part 1)

Join UW Center for Cooperatives, in partnership with CAP Services, to learn the steps to starting a cooperative business in Wisconsin and for guidance on growing your young cooperative business to the next level.


4-H Forecast February/March 2022

WELCOME to the more than 65 new 4-H members in Waupaca County 4-H and welcome back to the returning 4-H members! We look forward to a great year of 4-H opportunities and experiences. I encourage everybody, returning members and new members, to ask questions, try new things, set goals for yourself, make new friends, work […]


2022 Wisconsin Rural Economic Summit

Join us for the Second Annual Virtual Wisconsin Rural Economic Summit as we explore the latest economic research and data related to rural Wisconsin communities. Tuesday, February 22, 2022
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM (CST)