UW Extension Impact – Spring 2012

Extension Impact:  Education Makes a Difference.  In this issue:  UWEX land Rent Survey, WNEP & Senior Nutrition, 4-H Display Receives State Award, Underage Drinking, Heart Disease & Prevention, Strategic Planning, and Upcoming Events.  Extension Impact-Spring 2012 (pdf 4 pgs)


First Crop Alfalfa Monitoring

The Waupaca County Forage Council is again sponsoring the annual PEAQ (Predictive Equations for Alfalfa Quality) first crop alfalfa monitoring program this year.  Field data from cooperating farms/consultants will be available late April and into May to help improve timing of first crop this year.  With the unusual weather that we have experienced, this program is […]


Waupaca County Ag Land Rent Survey Report

Each year farmers in Waupaca County pay land owners an estimated $3 million in rental payments to raise crops on their land, covering 50,000 acres, nearly 25-30% of all cropland in the county.  Farmland rent payment is an important source of income for rural landowners, but it is also a “growing” expense for farmers.  The […]


2012 marks 100 years of Cooperative Extension in Wisconsin

  Cooperative Extension has served the citizens of Wisconsin since 1912, and will spend 2012 celebrating 100 years of education and outreach to families, youth, farmers, businesses and communities. Cooperative Extension is a unique partnership of counties, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the University of Wisconsin working together to help people put knowledge to […]


2012 Waupaca County Plat Books Have Arrived!

  The Waupaca County 4-H Leaders’ Association is offering 2012 plat books at various locations around the county and the UW-Extension Office at the Courthouse in Waupaca. Plat Books may also be acquired from Waupaca County 4-H members and clubs. 4-H members benefit from the sale of these plat books through trips, workshops, festivals, camp, […]


Explore & Discover Waupaca County

We encourage everyone to EXPLORE the variety of the activities listed and DISCOVER WAUPACA COUNTY.  Our county supports activity as one of the most important strategies to healthier lifestyles.  We also value the tremendous natural resources located within our county and would like to promote parks, trails and rivers for all to enjoy.  This map […]