Wisconsin African American Tobacco Prevention Network
The statewide tobacco-related disparities networks provide the opportunity for collaboration, sharing information, advocating and supporting each other’s activities within and between each Network while addressing the tobacco-related disparities of the populations.
Contact Patricia McManus at the Black Health Coalition of Wisconsin, Inc. at (414) 933-0064.
Wisconsin Asian Tobacco Prevention Network
The statewide tobacco-related disparities networks provide the opportunity for collaboration, sharing information, advocating and supporting each other’s activities within and between each Network while addressing the tobacco-related disparities of the populations.
Contact Viluck Kue at WI United Coalition of Mutual Assistance Associations (WUCMAA) at (920) 683-1806.
Wisconsin Hispanic/Latino Tobacco Prevention Network
The statewide tobacco-related disparities networks provide the opportunity for collaboration, sharing information, advocating and supporting each other’s activities within and between each Network while addressing the tobacco-related disparities of the populations.
Contact MaryAnn Borman at UMOS Inc. at (414) 389-6511.
Wisconsin Native American Tobacco Network
The Wisconsin Native American Tobacco Network (WNATN) is comprised of tribal representatives from eleven federally recognized tribes in Wisconsin. The goal of WNATN is to work toward improving the quality of life for tribal members through education, advocacy, and program development and implementation of tobacco prevention and control programs. WNATN aggressively pursues the prevention and elimination of commercial tobacco abuse, utilizing best practices while respecting the unique cultural and ceremonial use of tobacco.
Contact Cindy Weborg at Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council at (715) 588-3324
Wisconsin Network on Tobacco Prevention and Poverty
The Wisconsin Network on Tobacco Prevention and Poverty’s primary goal is to help organizations move beyond their mission and incorporate tobacco prevention interventions into their already established services.
Contact Marva Brooks at The Salvation Army at (414) 302-4300, ext. 236.
Wisconsin Initiative on Smoking and Health (WISH)
Advocacy organization with a focus on smoke-free restaurants and campaign finance reform; provides information to help restaurant operators make the conversion; maintains smoke-free dining; tracks lobbying activities and tobacco industry contributions.
Contact Jack Lohman at (414) 477-8686.
University of Wisconsin Surveillance and Evaluation Program
The Surveillance and Evaluation Program works collaboratively with the state’s Division of Public Health to develop, implement, and interpret results from systems for surveillance and evaluation of Wisconsin’s Tobacco Prevention and Control Program.
Contact Karen Palmersheim at (608) 262-2825.
University of Wisconsin Center for Tobacco Research & Intervention (UW-CTRI)
UW-CTRI is a research/outreach and policy organization that focuses on treating nicotine dependence in the U.S. It provides the toll-free Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line for adults and youth (1-800-QUIT-NOW); delivers outreach services to health care providers in five regions of the state and disseminates best practice guidelines and cessation materials. The outreach program partners with Wisconsin hospitals, clinics, insurers and health systems to create sustainable policy changes to support the systematic treatment of tobacco dependence and ensure access to all residents.
Contact Rob Adsit at (608) 262-7557.
Fighting Against Corporate Tobacco (FACT)
FACT is a youth-led campaign seeking to empower teens to make informed choices about tobacco by learning the facts about how the industry targets them. FACT youth are taking action statewide and in their communities to reduce youth tobacco use and prevent their friends from becoming targets of the tobacco industry.
Contact Luke Witkowski at (608) 833-0857.
SmokeFree Wisconsin
Advocacy organization working to promote smoke-free environments, prevent youth smoking, and ensure availability and accessibility of cessation services.
Contact SmokeFree Wisconsin at (608) 268-2620.
Tobacco Control Resource Center for Wisconsin
Supports state tobacco control programs and local coalitions by providing accurate, up to date, and evidence-based resources.
Contact Julie Swanson at (608) 262-7469.
American Lung Association of Wisconsin (ALA)
Voluntary health organization dedicated to preventing lung diseases and promoting lung health. ALA is actively involved in developing and supporting tobacco control programs through research, advocacy, and education. ALA coordinates Fighting Against Corporate Tobacco (FACT), Teens Against Tobacco Use (T.A.T.U.), and Not-On-Tobacco (N-O-T).
Contact Michelle Mercure at (262) 703-4852.