Waupaca County ATC Grant EYC Powerpoint
A grant that supports educational programs to utilize local lands.
School Forests
Lesson Plan Form (Blank Form: Doc, Pdf)
- Dissolved Oxygen
- Animal Shelters
- Unnatural Trail
- Aquatic Macroinvertebrates (Water Bugs)
- Frogs and Toads
- Forest Plots
- My Tree
- Walking on Water (Water Strider)
- Animal Tracks in Winter
- WI Lakes- Aquatic Invasive Species
- Hartman Creek: Personal history, Plants & Pond life
Wisconsin and Waupaca County School Forests powerpoint
School forests have incredible value.
Education Standards – Education Programs at school forests can achieve diverse education standards in science, language arts, math, social studies and agriculture. Enviornmental education integration into curriculum – Environmental education shouldn’t be seen as another subject area. Using school forest with environment education across subject areas increases standardized test scores, improves attendance, and decreases behavior problems (Lieberman and Hoody 1998). A school forest should be an extension of the classroom used for hands-on, experiential learning that can’t be accomplished inside the school. Connect youth to local nature – School forests can localize education and connect students to their natural and human communities. We identify ourselves through a sense of place and relationships with family, neighbors, land and community. School forests serve as the context for understanding our responsibility to nature, how decisions are made and life-style choices are related. As Wendell Berry says, “If you don’t know where you are, you don’t know who you are.” (The Broken Ground 1964 to Sabbaths 1987 reveal his growing concern with the abuse of the land and with the need to restore the balance of nature). Sustainable natural resource management – The goal of sustainable natural resource management is to supply ecological, economic, and social benefits now and into the future. Students will manage their school forest through developing plans, implementing activities, and utilizing forest products. The school forest may provide the only opportunity to experience resource management for most students. Strengthen school and community relationships – The school forest can serve as a community resource with expanded educational and recreational opportunities. School forests are a less formal setting for parents and community members to become involved in students’ education. Recent research found that continuing involvement in outdoor education also “increased willingness of parents and adults to come into school for events and meetings” (Peacock 2006). Provide income – The environment and tourism are an important economic driver of Waupaca County. Forest products, non-timber forest products, recreation and rental of facilities can generate income for a school/community. Ideally these funds would be invested in the school forest to maintain and support the program. School forest are an incredible opportunity at the local level to enhance income and the connection between the school forest and the community.
- School Forest Resources- Waupaca County Schools-Forest Sites, Land Use Agreement(form), Resolution supporting School Forest Designating(form) , Waupaca County Needs Assessment form for Teachers and Schools
- WEEB Forest Grant (Local Examples Available on Request) – Helpsheet, Cover Page, Consortium Page, Narrative, Budget, WI Ed Plan Outline, WI School Forest Website
Waupaca County Environmental Sites Park Pictures Explore-and-Discover-Map
- Waupaca County Parks: Vic-to-Rae (possible New London school forest), Sturgeon Trail, Oakwood Park
- Clintonville – Site Summary
Clintonville School Forest, Clintonville HS/MS (school forest pending)
City of Clintonville Parks, Clintonville Trail, W. A. Olen Park, Buchholtz Park, West Street Park (possible school forest) - Iola and Scandinavia
Iola-Scandinavia School Forest - Manawa- Site Summary
Manawa HS (school forest pending)
Village of Manawa – trail (possible school forest) - Marion- Site Summary
City of Marion Parks, Marion Athletic Park (school forest pending), Wallace Park, Veterans Memorial Park - New London-
New London FFA Forest (school forest), New London High School (possible school forest)
City of New London Parks, Hatten Park (possible school forest) - Waupaca -Waupaca Learning Center (school forest pending ), Waupaca High School (school forest pending), Waupaca School Forest (Brainerds Bridge-City Park)City of Waupaca Park and Rec, Brainerd’s Bridge, Riverside Park: Pictures (possible school forest), South Park (possible school forest), Swan Park (possible school forest), Oz Park (possible school forest), Shambeau Park (possible school forest), River Ridge Trail Map, River Ridge Trail Description (possible school forest)
- Weyauwega- Site Summary Weyauwega Fremont School Backyard Natural Area (school forest)
Village of Fremont; Trail (school forest pending) - Hartman Creek State Park, Map, Pictures
Environmental groups and helpful links
Connecting our youth to the environment…We aren’t the only ones that think it is a good idea.
- Chemists Celebrate Earth Day : American Chemical Society http://acswebcontent.acs.org/earthday/splash/content/index.html
- DNR Angler Education http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/fishing/anglereducation/
- DNR ground water education http://dnr.wi.gov/education/educatorresources/groundwater/
- DNR Hook, Line, and Thinker! Grades 7-12 http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/fishing/anglereducation/hlt.html
- Ducks Unlimited –conservation page http://www.ducks.org/conservation/
- Environmental education Information and teaching resources http://www.eeweek.org/
- Environmental Education in Wisconsin – network website http://www.eeinwisconsin.org/net/content/news.aspx?s=
- Kindergarten and 1st grade outdoor activities with Curious George theme http://pbskids.org/curiousgeorge/parentsteachers/activities/
- Mosquito Hill website and Map http://www.mosquitohill.com/; http://www.mosquitohill.com/location.htm
- Nature Conservancy, http://www.nature.org/
- Navarino Website and Map http://www.navarino.org/;
- Resources to Celebrate Earth Day everyday http://www.earthday.net/
- Tree ID cards: http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr-ap/leaf/Pages/LEAF-Tree-Identification-Cards.aspx
- Tree Dichotomous Key: http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr-ap/leaf/Pages/TreeKey/treeToIdentify.aspx?feature=Main
- Trout Unlimited website homepage http://www.tu.org/
- Trout Unlimited’s New Youth Website http://www.streamexplorers.org
- WCEE Global Environmental Teachings: http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr-ap/wcee/get/Pages/default.aspx
- Whitetails Unlimited Website (Educational Booklets) http://www.whitetailsunlimited.com/session_043759616e23/
- Wisconsin Center for Environmental Education http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/wcee/
Literature Resources
John Bates, http://www.manitowish.com/NWComp.html
John Muir, http://www.nps.gov/index.htm
Last Child in the Woods (saving our children from a nature-deficit disorder), Richard Louv, http://richardlouv.com/
Lewis and Clark, http://www.sierraclub.org/lewisandclark/
Silent Spring, Sense of Wonder, Books by Rachel Carson http://www.rachelcarson.org/
EYC Advisory Board
*Summaries: March 2009 (County Board), June 2009, December 2009, February 2010