Protect Children in the Summer
Summer is upon us, and while it brings many enjoyable outside activities, it also brings many opportunities for children to put themselves at risk for unintentional injuries.
Following are some safety guidelines to consider:
- Ensure that children wear proper fitting helmets and other safety gear while riding a bike, skating, skate boarding, as well as when riding on a scooter, all-terrain vehicle, and horses.
- Be knowledgeable about swimming pool safety – whether the pool is in your own backyard or a neighbor’s yard, as well as at public swimming areas. Remember, too, that young children can drown in items that hold only a small amount of water – such as a 5-gallon bucket. Always use caution and supervise children closely near water.
- Playground areas are common locations for falls, so a safe surface is necessary. Concrete, asphalt, and packed dirt are too hard. At least 9 inches of wood chips or mulch should be in place to provide a softer fall surface.
- Always know where children are when you use a riding lawnmower or garden tractor. Ensure that they are a safe distance away from the equipment at all times, because they can quickly move into the path and put themselves at risk for severe injuries. Be alert and turn off the mower or tractor if they move into the area.
Adapted from U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. For more information, visit the CPSC web site:
Fireworks On-Line Anger Management Course
Are you interested in learning more about how a parent’s anger influences parent-child relationships? Fireworks is an on-line parent education course that looks at anger management, and helps parents learn about the meaning, importance, risk, and impact of their anger.
The ten-lesson non-credit course was developed by Chuck Smith, professor and extension specialist in the Kansas State University School of Family Studies and Human Services.
To learn more and to take the course, visit the following web site:
Other Useful Web Sites for Parents and Caregivers
- The WonderWise Parent - Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families - Tips for Parentings & Teachers Following National Tragedy
A National Tragedy – Helping Children Cope
Talking to Children About Violence: Information for Parents and Educators
Listen Protect Connect – Teacher First Aid (PFA) for Students and Teachers
PBS – Do You Explain the Newtown Shooting to Kids
National Association of School Psychologists – Talking to Children About Violence