4-H Junior Fair Activities

2024 Waupaca County Fair

Jr Fair – Exhibitor entry deadline 7/1/2024

Exhibitor Link to access online fair entry site for Jr Fair and Open Class – Jr Fair – Exhibitor entry deadline 7/1/2024

Feel free to contact with any questions:

Waupaca County Fairgrounds Maps

4-H Food Stand Information

4-H Food Stand Supervisors Needed – The Waupaca County 4-H Leaders’ Board is looking for individuals willing to serve as supervisors in the 4-H  Food Stand to oversee the running of the food stand during the week of the Waupaca County Fair.  The number of hours to work will depend on the number of supervisors and can be divided by up to 4 or 5 people for the week of fair.  Supervisors will receive an honorarium from the Leaders’ Board (up to $600 divided between the number of supervisors and hours worked). Contact Penny at 715-258-6230.

2024 Barn Assignments

Fair Evaluation Meetings:

  • Fair Evaluation Meetings

The evaluation meetings are where interested participants bring ideas and suggestions for the next fair as well as fair book entry or wording suggestions and improvements. The ideas and suggestions are voted on by the members present. Also at the Evaluation meetings, representatives are selected from each department to represent that department on the Junior Fair Advisory Committee. The Junior Fair Advisory Committee reviews all of the suggestions and recommendations from each department. Approved recommendations are forwarded to the Fair Board for consideration. Results are brought back to all participants in spring after Fair Board discussions and decisions.