4-H FRIDAY! (April 3, 2020)

Learning by Doing!

4-H Friday is an opportunity to try new activities and learn new skills.  If you’re looking for an idea to pass the time and want to try something new, check out the projects in our 4-H Friday Fun-Flyer   4-H Friday will be created weekly with a variety of projects and skill levels highlighted each week.  Please remember the social distancing and safer at home guidelines while doing these projects.  If you would like to take a picture of you or your family doing one of these 4-H projects, feel free to email it to me at penny.tank@wisc.edu, with the subject line: 4-H Friday Photo and each family will be entered into a drawing at a later date for some special gifts!  I may even ask for your permission to post a few on Facebook or our website/newsletter.